Steel Backflow Security Enclosures & Cages

At Backflow Depot, we understand the inevitable risks your backflow assembly faces. It's not a question of "if," but rather "when" it might fall victim to vandalism or theft. We proudly offer an extensive range of backflow enclosures and cages, sourced from leading manufacturers. Our collection includes diverse materials and protection levels, allowing you to find the perfect fit.

With the escalating cost of brass, the threat of backflow-related crimes is on the rise. Shield your valuable investment by reaching out to the backflow experts at Backflow Depot Our solutions provide not only security but also peace of mind. Contact us today to fortify your defenses against potential backflow issues.

Rock Enclosures

Grey Large Rock Enclosure - Fieldstone Grey
Grey Large Rock Enclosure - Fieldstone Grey

56" x 21" x 25"

Small Mock Rock Enclosure - Fieldstone Grey
Small Mock Rock Enclosure - Fieldstone Grey

27" x 21" x 25"

Small Mock Rock Enclosure - Riverbed Tan
Small Mock Rock Enclosure - Riverbed Tan

27" x 21" x 25"


Backflow Cage
Backflow Cage

42" x 12" x 24"

 Backflow Cage
Backflow Cage

48" x 12" x 24"

Backflow Cage
Backflow Cage

22" x 12" x 24"

Backflow Cage
Backflow Cage

32" x 12" x 24"

Insulated Bags

Insulated Blanket
Insulated Blanket

20" x 34"

Insulated Blanket
Insulated Blanket

22" x 40"

Insulated Blanket
Insulated Blanket

24" x 24"